I was also inspired by the N3 appreciation week but didn’t finish the video on time. It’s ok to post here now? :) (I'm not sure what tags to use... no Don/Liz pairing...) Don and Liz! Season 3, eppesodes 3x06 Longshot and 3x07 Blackout!
Yes...it's me again and with more Liz. Somehow some pics got left off of my last picspam and since today is sort of a free-for-all, I thought I'd use this as my opportunity to get the rest of them in. I hope you enjoy!!
Liz became a part of our lives in Season 3 whether we wanted her or not. haha She's smart, funny, and can kick ass. Most of all, she's beautiful! Take a few moments to enjoy some girl power beneath the cut!